Is the Samsung Frame TV worth it in 2024?
So you’re considering buying a Samsung Frame TV and trying to decide if it’s right for you? I’ll go through some of the pros and cons, and give you a feel for who this TV would suit best.
What is the Samsung Frame TV?
First a quick intro about the TV itself. Samsung’s ‘The Frame’ TV was first released in 2017 and has since been released in updated versions with the latest model released in 2024.
It comes in a variety of sizes from 32 to 85 inches.
Prices vary by region so it’s best to check your favourite retailers.
The TV stands out from others by its ability to turn itself into a very realistic looking painting on your wall when it’s turned off. No more big black box on your wall or on your TV console! You can get fancier gold frames for it which will make this illusion even more convincing.
Is the Frame TV worth it?
Let’s jump straight into this shall we?
First, a disclaimer that I sell art specially designed for the Frame TV, so you might imagine I’d be happy if more people bought them! On the other hand, I’ve sold to thousands of customers across the world and have many insights I’d like to share about how they use their TVs and the role it plays in their homes and lives.
Who should buy the Frame TV?
The Interior Designer (or Home Decor Enthusiast)
My customers have Instagram feeds filled with photos and videos of their gorgeous homes, many with a Frame TV sitting on their living room wall, masquerading as a painting and blending in seamlessly. The ability to change the art to match the decor is a game changer for interior design lovers, and ensures that a black box doesn’t dominate their otherwise beautiful space.
The Entertainer
My customers love to buy seasonal and event-based art. For example, art for New Years, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Halloween and of course Christmas. This allows them to coordinate with other seasonal decor and helps to create the perfect atmosphere for these gatherings of friends and family.
The Real Estate Agent
Some of my customers are real estate agents who as I understand it use Frame TVs with beautiful art to help stage a property for sale. Coordinating with elegant furnishings, the art helps to elevate the aesthetic of the property so that it appears more attractive to prospective buyers, and gets them a step closer to a sale.
The Art Lover
Last but not least, the Frame TV is an art lover’s dream. There is so much art available for the Frame TV, including free vintage art and affordable modern art. For more ideas of where to get art for your Frame TV, I’ll be writing another article soon. The big screen is ideal for enjoying a changing selection of art at a large scale at very little cost. I find it revolutionary actually, and hope that more manufacturers will produce their own art TVs.
Who is it less suitable for?
I struggled to come up with a list here, but energy use may be a concern for some.
The Energy Conscious
Given that the TV is technically on all the time, it will use some electricity. Having said that, Art Mode has been optimised to be a low energy consumption mode (improved in the 2024 model) and there is even a motion sensor to turn the TV off when no one is in the room. So this would be worth looking into if low energy use is a priority for you.
Final thoughts
In my honest opinion, the Samsung Frame TV is worth it. My customers love these TVs and have been known to buy a TV for multiple rooms in their house. Their ability to bring a room together and help people to celebrate the important events in their lives takes them above a simple piece of furniture or technology. I don’t know if even Samsung could have foreseen the role that these TVs would now take on in the home, and the joy and smiles it would bring to people’s faces to have, say, a painting of cute ghosts appearing on their TV for Halloween.
Image credit: The artwork featured above is available for purchase here at Small Lily Studio. Browse our range of Frame TV art.